Mobile app development is among one of the most steadily growing fields in software development. With the pandemic, mobile app development also garnered a lot of interest. Microsoft Teams for videoconferencing experienced a 1000% increase in users in March, which in itself is astounding. Telehealth, education, and numerous other industries have also displayed an extreme need for mobile apps to help them adapt. So join us as we go over the perks and perils of both platforms so you can choose the best for you!






Android tends to offer environments that are less restrictive than iOS. The apps can run on virtually any Android device. The leads to less issues with hardware compatibility. It also helps that Google is on your side with an extensive knowledge base for all stages of learning. So you can find help from beginner to expert level in a matter of minutes. And what you learn can be used for things beyond just smart phones. Android apps have an entire ecosystem of devices from VR headsets, Android Auto and so many more platforms and devices.




The ability to develop for multiple Android platforms at the same time is amazing. However, this makes testing a bit difficult. A lot of people still tend to stick with older versions of operating systems so fixes tend to be a constant need. But with all of that fixing, it comes at a cost. Developing for Android is normally more time consuming so costs go up in return. Android is also an open-source platform. This tends to mean that it has a higher chance of falling victim to cyberattacks compared to iOS.






iOS app development is in one of the highest demands. The platform is fast, reliable and easy to use. So it’s no wonder that it’s a highly requested system. It’s so requested in fact that it has an entire ecosystem all to itself. The OS might be secluded in itself; however, the way it operates in it’s ecosystem make it more like a family. And it’s constantly being improved with a sleek and flawless user interface and user experience. 




Unfortunately, development in this fashion with iOS requires software the only runs on Mac. So in order to develop for iOS you will need at least one piece of Apple technology. And once you’ve built your app, there is no guarantee that it’ll make it into the app store. Apple is notoriously more demanding in regards to apps than Google Play. And with that Apple also restricts your ability to customize the app’s interface. Sometimes making it difficult to add some features. Especially with third party software.


Although there are many more Android and iOS development pros and cons, in the end, it is up to you to decide which is right for you and your business based on your audience and customers. Overall, both operating systems dominate the market, have a good future outlook, and appeal to extremely large audiences in all fields. And if  you are looking to build an app but don’t know where to start, check out We’re here to help turn IT problems into IT solutions.


Which OS do you prefer to use? Let us know in the comments down below. Subscribe to the channel to stay up to date. And as always, I’ll see you guys in the next video.